Published on September 10, 2007 By bpleshek In Strategies
Are there any advantages to upgrading your freighters or replacing them with faster ones? Besides from the fact that they get to the initial destination sooner, it seems the slower it goes, the better when far away for higher amounts and lower amounts for closer to home and it still washes out. Comments?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 17, 2007
Trying to close this discussion: I've often had between 200 and 500 bc in trading every turn in tiny/small galaxies with a handful of well-placed fully developed economic starbases. In some cases this was of the same order of magnitude as my taxes income, so on smaller galaxies don't neglect trade as a means of income...

By the way, PeskyFly: quite a devious scheme, that hypothetical plan of yours   
on Sep 17, 2007

15 credits a turn is not money

Your not going to strike gold if you just set up 1 effing trade route and let it sit there.

You must set up 8-12 trade routes, depending on your ability, all covering the same path between one of your planets and one AI planet. That AI becomes your trade partner, who you must keep alive and at peace with you. Then, in each sector that the trade routes are passing through, set up 4 Economic Starbases covering the trade vein and add as many trading modules to each as you can. This combination of Trade Routes and Economic Starbases is a Trade Array.

Now, if you want to go even further, get an Alliance with your trade partner and hope that the United Planets passes the 'Allies share Starbases' law. Now you can sell all those Economic Starbases to your trade partner and build another set of 4-per-sector.

For best results, start building your Array as soon as possible, and don't forget to build Galactic Privateer ASAP. That way, in Dark Avatar, your Freighters will 'mature' and become more and more profitable later in the game. Also, try to get an Economic Treaty from your trade partner - this will allow you to get even more money off the Trade Array.

The shorter the Trade Array, the sooner you will be able to complete it. Having longer Trade Routes won't be worth as much as getting your Economic Starbases up and running sooner. Also, the shorter the Trade Array, the less Logistics fees you'll be paying to build the Economic Starbases.

Yeah, it's a lot of work, but IMO, it's fun work. I get to open my box tomorrow and begin my first game. I'll see how it works out in reality. All I know yet is through others' experiences.
on Sep 17, 2007
Then, if Peacekeepers or Mega-Pirates strike, it would be fun to watch them attack your invincible super-freighters and get blown to bits. But other than that, there's no use. It would just be a deathtrap to bait in enemy ships and get them killed

They wouldn't get blown to bits. The galactic privateer prevents combat being initiated with mini freighters (DL).
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